
HKU-Shenzhen Hospital 10th Anniversary Celebrations

来源 : 本网 发布时间 :2022-04-29

The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital’s celebrations for its 10th anniversary mark a milestone of the flagship of healthcare reform in China. The celebration highlights include a launch of the Hospital’s 10th anniversary logo, a proposed flag hoisting ceremony and philanthropy concert in end-June, year-long academic symposiums, visual productions and commemorative albums, captioned press conferences and open days for communities, etc.

1.HKU-SZH 10th Anniversary Logo

Slogan: Innovation for Better Care  (高起点 高水平 高质量)


Officially launched in January 2022, the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital 10th anniversary logo was selected from a campaign open to public.

The Arabic numeral "1" on the left is in shape of a flying eagle, symbolizing the cohesion of people in the Hospital practicing the values of "excellence, innovation, trust and care".

The Arabic numeral "0" on the right, composed of the Hospital’s traditional logo and silk ribbons, forms the letter “S” symbolizing the city of Shenzhen, conveying the integration of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

2.HKU-SZH Press Conference on cross-border medical services

HKU-SZH hosted a captioned press conference on healthcare services provision to cross-border citizens on 15 April 2022, right after the HKSAR announced the extension of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Special Support Scheme for Chronic Disease Patients in Guangdong to 9 November 2022 so as to enable Hong Kong patients who have been stranded in Mainland China to seek follow-up consultation during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of March 2022, HKU-SZH had received more than 35,600 Hong Kong patients under the Special Support Scheme.

As a pilot medical institution for the instruction of drugs and medical devices in urgent clinical use that have been listed in Hong Kong and Macao but not in the Mainland China, HKU-SZH has successfully imported thirteen urgently needed drugs and four medical devices as of March 2022 under the Hong Kong and Macao Medicine and Equipment Connect, benefiting more than 450 people.

2022年4月15日 跨境医疗新闻发布会-1000w.jpg
